
Sunday, March 15, 2009

IBM Websphere MQ Commands

MQ commands
Command name Purpose
amqccert Check certificate chains
amqoamd Output setmqaut commands
amqmdain Configure or control WebSphere MQ services (Windows® systems only)
amqtcert Transfer certificates
crtmqcvx Convert data
crtmqm Create a local queue manager
dltmqm Delete a queue manager
dmpmqaut Dump authorizations to an object
dmpmqlog Dump a log [url]
dspmq Display queue managers
dspmqaut Display authorizations to an object
dspmqcsv Display the status of a command server
dspmqfls Display file names
dspmqrte Display route application
dspmqtrc Display formatted trace output (UNIX® systems only)
dspmqtrn Display details of transactions [pareja de rsvmqtrn]
dspmqver Display version number
endmqcsv Stop the command server on a queue manager
endmqdnm Stop .NET monitor
endmqlsr Stop the listener process on a queue manager
endmqm Stop a local queue manager
endmqtrc Stop tracing for an entity
mqftapp Run the File Transfer Application
mqftrcv Receive file using the File Transfer Application (server)
mqftrcvc Receive file using the File Transfer Application (client)
mqftsnd Send file using the File Transfer Application (server)
mqftsndc Send file using the File Transfer Application (client)
rcdmqimg Write an image of an object to the log
rcrmqobj Recreate an object from their image in the log
rsvmqtrn Commit or back out a transaction [pareja de dspmqtrn]
runmqchi Start a channel initiator process
runmqchl Start a sender or requester channel
runmqdlq Start the dead-letter queue handler
runmqdnm Run .NET monitor
runmqlsr Start a listener process
runmqsc Issue MQSC commands to a queue manager
runmqtmc Invoke a trigger monitor for a client (AIX® clients only)
runmqtrm Invoke a trigger monitor for a server
setmqaut Change authorizations to an object
setmqcrl Set certificate revocation list (CRL) LDAP server definitions (Windows® systems only)
setmqprd Enroll production license
setmqscp Set service connection points (Windows® systems only)
strmqcsv Start the command server for a queue manager
strmqm Start a local queue manager
strmqtrc Enable tracing

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